How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet?

How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet?

It can be hard to know exactly when to clean your carpet, especially if it’s constantly being trodden underfoot. Cleaning every day seems excessive, and it certainly can be – so what’s the right answer? At Carpets and Critters, we’ve provided expert carpet cleaning in...
Carpet Cleaning vs. Carpet Replacement

Carpet Cleaning vs. Carpet Replacement

If parts of your carpet look stained or discoloured, your initial thought might be to have it cleaned, perhaps by our team. However, would this be the most cost-effective approach to the problem? During the pre-clean inspection of the fabric, we may discover that you...

Allergies and Carpet Cleaning

If you have allergies or asthma, you are probably thoroughly accustomed to experiencing such symptoms as coughing, breathlessness and watering eyes. Even if you repeatedly wipe down surfaces in your home, you could still find yourself being triggered. Where are those...